Transcom case study
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"Working with AssuranceLab has been a smooth and overall very easy process.”

Transcom case study
How AssuranceLab Enabled Seamless SOC 2 Compliance for Transcom Across 12 Global Sites

Unlocking Efficiency and Confidence Amidst Global Complexities

Transcom provides digitally enhanced customer experience (CX) in customer care, sales, content moderation and back office services to some of the world's most ambitious brands. 

Transcom has more than 300 clients globally, and more than 33,000 employees working across 90 contact centres and work-at-home networks across 28 countries.

Follow their transformative journey in achieving SOC 2 compliance, across 12 of their geographical sites with over 1000 employees by partnering with AssuranceLab

Transcom had a long history of experience in undergoing compliance audits and held certifications for ISO 27001 and PCI-DSS.

Despite some of these past experiences being with larger audit firms, Transcom felt there was a misalignment during the audit process due to the lack of technology used and their team’s way of working.

In 2022, client requirements drove the need for Transcom to complete a SOC 2 audit, which would need to cover 12 geographical sites and over 1000 employees.

After their previous experiences with large audit firms, Transcom made the decision to switch vendors for this particular audit. This was motivated by a desire for a more collaborative and technologically advanced partner.


In searching for a new audit partner, AssuranceLab's agile approach coupled with technology solutions like their Readiness Assessment, PolicyTree and efficient communication channels, stood out to Transcom. 

Knowing the need for this certification had become a pivotal factor in securing new client contracts, Transcom decided to partner with AssuranceLab.

Despite making the switch, Global Security Director at Transcom, Resh del Rosario had “no doubts” about working with AssuranceLab after choosing to move away from a larger audit firm, as “working with a bigger company doesn’t mean it will be more efficient”.

This proved to be true as Resh recalls their first engagement with AssuranceLab being a “smooth, overall very easy process” and Transcom “really liked the working attitude of AssuranceLab”. 


Transcom highlighted the ease of onboarding with AssuranceLab, emphasising the effectiveness and inherent value of the Readiness Assessment app which provides a tailored view of your controls and any potential gaps. A process they had previously found other audit firms to charge for, was provided for free by AssuranceLab.

As well as cost savings, Transcom also found AssuranceLab’s Readiness Assessment to save them time. They were able to complete this assessment process in under 24 hours, in comparison to three days with other auditors.


With a vast scope covering 12 geographical sites, siloed sub-teams and multilingual evidence, AssuranceLab's management of complexities proved commendable.

Leveraging technology for evidence review and accommodating different languages, the audit process remained smooth despite the inherent challenges. The assurance of having a consistent audit team further contributed to a streamlined engagement process.


AssuranceLab's flexibility and proactive communication played a pivotal role in meeting tight deadlines. Transcom acknowledged the team's responsiveness and the automatic confirmation of meeting timelines, a marked departure from the traditional request-based approach of other audit companies.


After working with AssuranceLab, Resh del Rosario shared that Transcom “[has] confidence in working with AssuranceLab” and that their seamless SOC 2 experience has positioned AssuranceLab as their preferred audit partner, with discussions already underway for potential certifications like PCI-DSS, GDPR, and CSA STAR Essentials.

AssuranceLab's collaboration with Transcom highlights the importance of a proactive, technologically advanced audit partner in navigating the complexities of global compliance standards.

By prioritising collaboration, efficiency and technological innovation, Transcom successfully navigated complexities and met challenging deadlines with confidence. AssuranceLab's agile approach, coupled with advanced solutions like the Readiness Assessment app, not only streamlined the audit process but also fostered a sense of assurance and trust. 

Moving forward, Transcom's endorsement of AssuranceLab as their preferred audit partner underscores the value of this partnership in unlocking efficiency and confidence amidst complexities, positioning both parties for future success in meeting evolving compliance needs.

If you would like to experience the AssuranceLab difference yourself, contact our team: 


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